Friday 8 April 2011

Freedom Culture

Freedom Culture. We live in a society today that is all about the individual. Back 200 years ago you could say things like, "hey, how are you going?" As you passed someone in the street, even in localized residential areas. I went for a walk and I saw a girl from my old high school that I knew but never really talked to. I looked up at her and tried to make eye contact to say a polite "hey", at least. Her idea was completely different. Instead of saying 'hey' or even making eye contact and smiling, she looked away and pretended I wasn't there.

Think of this example on a broader scale. Even to people who you've grown up with, used to go to primary school with or even seen them once or twice at a course you did for a week, you still know who they are, and a polite 'hello', wave or smile really wouldn't be going out of your way. I can only speak for myself in these situations but this kind of attitude led me to feelings of loneliness, 'maybe-she-thinks-I'm-unattractive' (even though that's obviously untrue xD) and even for a guy, being ignored by people who you've known for at least 6 years is quite a kick to the senses.

I once read a post saying that one out of ten people feel like they are either alone or don't have anyone that they can talk to. This irritates me to no ends because people don't have the decency to talk to other people, or meet new people. Canada leaves their doors unlocked for cryin out loud! That's the kind of culture that I want for Australia, where you can go and have a beer with someone you have just met in the city or whatever.

I remember when I was able to say to a complete stranger, "Hey your daughter is really cute" without fear of having them turn around on me and call the police. Which is now a criminal offense.

I've been working at Video Ezy for roughly 2 years now. For the first year and a half I had never had a conversation with a customer about any personal things, like where I go to uni, that kind of thing. About a week ago, I was asked, "how was your day today?" I thought about this for a bit and decided to see how she would react to something I would've told a closer friend rather than someone I have only just met. "Well, I've been writing a lot of music lately, like big orchestral stuff, because I'm trying to become as good as John Williams. (The guy who wrote for Star Wars)" We talked for a bit about where I go to uni and why Im working at a video store and she was actually quite impressed.

Freedom Culture. I want to live in a society where I'm friends with everyone. Unrealistic? Maybe, but there are some people out there who through bad choices in life, do not have friends, don't jave anyone to talk to, and don't particularly know 'how' to talk to others. These people are led to suicide and various other self inflicted pain upon themselves. These people do this because they want attention. They also believe it is their fault and cause pain to themselves and finally, the ultimate reason that the human race functions as a society as a whole, Love. The glue that brings everyone together is love. Countless times, people have been saved from their lives, from causing pain upon people, just by saying three words, "i love you." And Im not talking about hey man thanks, I love ya. Im talking about the kind of love that would make you do absolutely anything and everything for that person. Would you take a bullet for a family member? Would you take a bullet for a close friend? What about taking a bullet for someone that you have never met before. It's a lot harder to think of it that way but thats the kind of love that I want for Australia, and myself.

The next time you are walking down the street and you pass someone by, saying a polite 'hi', and a smile, could possibly save someones life, a families heartbreak, and endless sea of regret. "I saw that person this afternoon, he looked at me and smiled, I looked away."

                                                                                            ~Rowan Skillata


  1. *click like*
    Dunno what you were so worried about dude :P
    This is good!

    I'll have customers at work sometimes that I try and talk to... just ask them how they're going or whatever, but so many people just make some sort of non-committal noise and look away, it's like some people are just so determined not to have human contact, and it makes me sad.

    Cool thoughts to read here, bro :)

  2. Yea I've been doing it a lot in the past couple weeks, all the "regulars" trying to have conversations with them, this one guy broke his leg and I asked how he did it then he wasn't wearing a cast the next week and I noticed, his reply; "Oh you remembered"

    I've done my part xD
